The fourth A.E.O meeting was held in Madrid, Spain and took place at the Magna Hall of La Paz Hospital, on the 8th & 9th of octobre 2005, and was organized by the Ocularists Guillermo Ocampo Leon and Francisco Pelaez, C/Caballero de Gracia 7, Madrid 28013 Spain, Tel +34 915314955, Fax +34 915230968, e-mail: At the meeting many Ocularists attended from different countries.
The scientific program was as follows,
08.30–08.45 | Welcome
Erica Groet, A.E.O. President. |
08.45-09.05 | Dra. Andrea Sanz, Hospital Vissum Oftalmologico Evisceracion y Enucleacion |
09.05–09.25 | Dr. Jesús Peralta Calvo. Oftalmología Infantil, Hospital La Paz El Implante de Vastago |
09.25–09.45 | Dra. Redondo Marcos, Dr. Mencia Gutierrez Exenteracion Orbitaria con y sin parpados |
09.45–10.05 | Robin Brammar. Principal Ocularist. Manchester Royal Hospital Facial prostheses following exenteration |
10.05–10.25 | Dr. Francisco Pelaez, Ocularista, Barcelona Otras Protesis |
10.25–10.45 | Dr. Ramon medel, Clinica IMO Barcelona Sindrome de Contraccion Orbitaria |
10.45–11.05 | Dr. Nicolas Toledano Fisiopatologia del anofthalmos |
11.05–11.40 | Coffee Break |
11.40–12.00 | Dr. Gonzalez Candeal Manejo Oculoplastico del ojo ciego |
12.00–12.20 | Gregory T. Sankey Modern Ocularisty and Poly Methyl Metacrylate Acrylic, New Studies on Cytotoxicity and adverse health risks |
12.20–12.40 | Dr. Betere Ausencia de formix |
12.40–13.00 | Dra Tonnie Landman, President of the patient organization for people with eye prosthesis A new information book in the Netherlands on eye prosthesis, enucleation and seeing with one eye |
13.00–14.10 | Lunch cocktail |
14.10–14.30 | Dr. Joan Prat, Clinica sant Joan DEU Mobilidad y fondo de saco |
14.30–14.50 | Dr. Gorka Martinez – Clínica Barraquer Barcelona Injerto Dermograso |
14.50–15.10 | Dr.Rodriguez Alvarez Implantes para enoftalmos |
15.10–15.30 | Dr. Arteaga Casos Clinicos, Complicaciones III, Injertos |
15.30–15:50 | Dr. Miguel Gonzalez Candeal. Clinica IMO Barcelona Cirugía Infantil y Resultados con Prótesi |
15:50–16:10 | Dra. Sanchez Orgaz, Dr. Arbizu Utilizacion de pasta de Hidroxiapatita en Oculoplastia |
16.10–16.40 | Tea Break |
16.40–17.00 | Dra. Prada Sustancias de relleno de la cavidad orbitaria |
17:00–17:20 | Dr. J.M. Abelairas. Oftalmología del Hospital Universitario La Paz Cirugía Tumoral en Niños |
17:20–18.30 | Final Questions |
18:30 | Transfer to Silken Puerta Castilla hotel |
21:00 | Transfer from silken hotel to gala dinner and flamenco show at El Corral de la Pacheca. |
Minutes of round table discussion
Dear colleagues and friends,
A last post-presidential action:
to keep our colleagues who did not attend the 4th congress in Madrid posted to confirm our agreements.
It was so good to meet each other in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. We had a well-organized meeting in the La Paz Hospital and we thank again Guillermo Ocampo (and his staff) and Dr. Jose Abelairas (and the hospital).
At the end of the meeting we talked a short time about our future and guess what:
We will have our 5th Congress in Sweden in 2007, organized by colleague Martin Johnson in Malma, and we will have our 6th Congress in France in 2009, organized by colleague Christine Fernandez in Toulouse. Thank you very much, Martin. Merci beaucoup, Christine.
While brainstorming we talked about what we want for our future meetings:
English spoken, Many ocularists speaking, only doctors who work together with us speaking, Workshops, And: back to basics (like Robin Brammar said).
I have asked him to put his ideas on paper and he said: o.k. Thank you Robin! Sorry for making you work for us again, Robin, but may I memorize your presentation: that slide showing options for treatment, starting with: ß??do nothingß?? that is so inspiring in his simplicity. I had to ask you!
By the way: thank to colleagues Francesco Pelaez and David Carpenter and all the others for their presentations.
Last remark:
I would like to ask everyone to take care of keeping our AEO-file up-to-date by MAILING any new addresses, phone numbers, e-mails or any other important features TO US ALL.
Well; it has been a privilege for me to be your president for the last two years and I thank you all for the support.
From now, hello to Martin Johnson as our vice-president for the coming two years.
P.S: ESOPRS meetings: 2006 : London, 2007 Ljublana, Slovenia (beware Martin, please)
Warmest regards,
Erica J. Groet
Prepared by Erica J. Groet, ocularist
President of the Association of European Ocularists.